After a long, wet, week. It's finally Friday. This means it's back to Toronto tomorrow for my family and I.
Leaving the city
car-less always increases my
appreciation of public transit. Though I'm sure after one wonderful ride on The Rocket, it'll all come back to me. The horror stories of the Toronto Transit Commission.

Anyway, the week wasn't a total bust. It had it's moments. We went to the
Kemptville Campus for some Canada Day fun, and in all honesty, the
fireworks display was more than impressive, even when compared to the massive displays that hardly took place in Toronto this year. Again, I have pictures I'll have to display once I return home.

The thing I love most about being away from the city is that almost everyone is friendly,
courteous, and positive. I realize that Toronto has a lot of friendly people, probably more than
Kemptville considering the difference in population.
Kemptville however, like most small towns, seem to be lacking the other percentage of people. The people who yell at bus drivers, the people who decide that we should be using are playgrounds as dumps instead of, lets say parking lots, or I don't know, dumps? The people who I've previously mentioned that hang out in the elevators. The people who stand outside in the middle of the night yelling profanities as loud as they can. The people who complain about homeless people having a foul smell to them (perhaps offer them a shower instead of showing us all your ignorance). The people who think that it's a good time to disrupt and entire city to get their point across with absolutely no thought for the people they are affecting.
T.G.I.F indeed. I cannot wait to return to that wonderful place I call home.
Toronto isn't all bad. There are some lovely places to hang out, to dine, to dance, and even sing. Toronto has some beautiful parks when they are not filled with garbage. Toronto has an amazing skyline, especially when you can get out on the island and see it from there, you know, when the ferries are running.
Toronto is an awesome place to fall in love. Every where you turn there is a love story waiting to be told. Every building has a tale to tell, every park, every street. I once fell in love at a streetcar stop, near College and
Ossington. Granted, I was a little intoxicated, but I'll remember it forever. Basements also make for good love stories, but then, so does alcohol.
Toronto is home to a lot memories I keep very close to my heart, but I find that the more time I spend there the bad ones start to outweigh the good.
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