I'm certain that's the context of at least a million IM/Texts right... now.
I don't get the Twitter thing. I sort of get the facebook thing.
I sort of feel like I'm forcing this post. I feel like writting, but I can't really think of any words. If I wrote what I'm feeling, it would go like this:
sajdhflhasdkjfnAPojsakljdbn:PWn vsajdfilhawelnf jsdofpjapwoieur asdnhkfjhaeirut8743ytrg23;oitgrkjsabdkf;janklfeasbfjkhadiosfuvnawuvjkandcvjkhaioery84t 2w3rnk3jro9a ew0nfjaksldnfvagkjhay84ty nasdlkfnkjnd;LH NOWrjf'pov.
So there you have it. That is what is on my mind.
I think about things I'd like to do with my life, and unfortunately, I cannot do all of them, simply because I'm only one person, and as far as I know, I'm mortal. My most recent non-project involves building an entire town from scratch, but perhaps I've been playing the Sims a little too much.
I'm off.