Sunday, August 30, 2009

It's Sunday.

It's been a crazy summer.

I'm getting ready to say goodbye to several different aspects of my life, the first to go will be the summer that failed to occur, but still managed to leave me with a massive sunburn.

The next to go will be my home, my apartment that I've grown to love, in the building that I'd rather not know existed. It's amazing what you can accomplish behind closed doors, but unfortunately, I've yet to figure out how to avoid occasionally leaving the walls that surround me to venture out into my less than desirable neighborhood.

As I'm leaving my home, I will also be parting with my fish tank, that I've both loved and neglected over the years. I'm not entirely sure as to why I feel the need to mention my fish tank, and all 55 gallons of it's glory, other then the fact that I was so insistent on getting it in the first place. I've decided not take it with me since I doubt it will make the trip in one piece.

I'll be saying goodbye to my facebook account. Though I am impressed with how a widely used social networking tool has managed to turn most of our youth into anti-social beings that sit in front of their computer/blackberry/cellphone(s) updating their "status" to inform the person in front of them of what they are doing, myself included.

There are my friends and some family that I won't be saying goodbye to, simply because I know that they will still be very much a part of my life, despite the distance, however I will be leaving them here in the city, that is a wonderful and miserable place.

What will I miss? Not a hell of a lot. I'll miss the people, I'll miss having the ability to just venture downtown and find something to do, but I already miss that, and I live here.

Why did I feel the need to mention any of this? I can't seem to think about anything else. My uncertainty about leaving behind most everything I know is constantly battling with my desire to pursue a life that will hopefully someday have my family and I much better off than we ever could be within city walls. Affordable housing trumps renting anything in Toronto. Clean air trumps constant smog advisories, and the chances of randomly being shot in a drive-by are much less (or I would assume so anyway, I haven't actually looked into that. Thinking about it though, I think I'd rather take my chances with some punk with a faulty hand gun and no aim, than a drunken deranged hunter with a rifle, but that's just me.)

I'll certainly try to keep this blog updated regularly, I'm hoping to use it in place of my soon to be non-existent facebook account. However I'm not exactly sure what life has in store for me just yet, so I won't make any promises. But, if all goes according to plan, you can expect to see more pictures posted here, the occasional video, and eventually, that music that I did in fact promise.

Until I have something else to say,

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