Sunday, January 3, 2010


New year, new decade, new beginnings?

One can only hope.

I did something this year that I've never really done before. I made new year resolutions. Why? Mostly because I'm tired of being a fat-ass. The rest of my reasons range from needing to get my life in order, to the need to find myself, and from boredom to an excuse to play my new Wii Fit. The Fit thing is kind of interesting, because I don't actually have a Nintendo Wii, however there is one in the house. I'm actually surprised that there aren't currently 4 Nintendo Wii's in the house, seeing as everyone in the household had someone else in mind to buy one for over the Christmas season.

I'm rambling again. Yay! That means I've got my groove back.


1) Stop being a fat-ass. (My goal is to lose 40 pounds by 2011. Gotta look good for the end of the world in 2012).

2) Get in shape. Not only do I feel like a fat-ass, but I'm as weak and unbalanced (says Wii) as a person can be. Wii tells me I'm 34 (I'm 25). I plan to work on my posture, my ability to lift things, my ability to not trip on myself, and my ability to stand up straight without losing my balance (which is a surprisingly difficult thing to do).

3) Learn to speak French (fluently). I get so frustrated when dealing with customer service representatives who don't speak either of our national languages. I figure since my English is exactly wonderful either, the only way for me to not be a giant hypocrite, is to speak both of our languages with some mediocredy. *Note: for some reason, spell check told me I had to capitalize English, but not French?

4) Stop being a fat-ass. Wait. I covered that. Fine. I'll stop being a slob.

5) Stop taking escalators/elevators when stairs are a viable option (granted, I won't be taking the stairs if it will take me more than 10 minutes to do so).

6) Make some damn music.

7) Get educated, not just in french.

8) Get a car. I cannot keep relying on other people to get around. And for those of you who don't know, the TTC is no longer a viable option for me.

9) Get out of the basement. This means to be on my feet enough to be able to support myself in a non-government funded way.

10) This I think is my most personal resolution. I'm going to be trying my best to be less of a bitch. For those of you who know me, know that this is going to be a huge change for me, and I'm sure it will get very ugly. For those of you who don't know me, well, I was going to say something half-wittedly mean, but then I wouldn't be off to a very good start. However, you should note that the sarcasm is staying. I just wouldn't be me without it.

Everyone I've spoken to about resolutions so far seem to have some sort of anti-fat resolution in mind for themselves, and I wish us all the best.

Happy New Year everyone. Here's to many, many more.

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