Saturday, October 24, 2009

I Go Walking In My Sleep.

I have never been as wide awake as I am right now (insert yawn here). Apparently I'm not as awake as I thought I was, seeing as my right leg is in fact sleeping from the knee down. I can't seem to get myself to go to bed, so instead of getting the sleep I so desperately need, I'm going to write a blog entry.

I promised music. I can honestly say I haven't worked on anything since I made that claim. I'm not sure why really, but I just haven't had it in me to write. I've barely even played.

I'm sitting alone (an rare occurrence), in the living room (even more rare), I can here a TV on in the house, though it's not the one I'm sitting in front of. That's right, at some point in time today I managed to gather the strength to turn off Treehouse. I believe that the sounds I am hearing are coming from one of the bedrooms upstairs, as opposed to mine, which is down stairs.

The roof here is metal, I can't say for sure what it is, though I'm tempted to say tin, knowing that if there is one thing it isn't, that one thing would be tin. It doesn't particularly matter anyway. It's raining, it has been for hours, and the sound of the water hitting the roof is truly amazing, and I think that's why I can't bring myself to head downstairs. I can not hear the rain in the basement.

I'm not sure where I am going with this entry, other than crazy, so I'm gonna end it here. My apologies for the lack of content. Cheerio.

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