Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Chapter Twenty-Five: The Last of The Numbers.

I've decided to stop numbering my chapters.

I woke up this morning, brushed my teeth, and sat down in front of the computer still rubbing the sleep from my eyes. With virtually no effort on my part, I've logged into Facebook and Blogger, and my day has started as it does every day, with me taking advantage of going unnoticed. I give it 10 minutes.

After reading my homepage on Facebook, it makes me happy to see suck talented people taking advantage of their talents, and pursuing the things that make them happy.

My 78 "friends" consist mostly of a variety of photographers, musicians, writers, film makers, painters, cartoonist, promoters, teachers, and students. People I went to school with, and other friends I have deep histories with.

When I first created my Facebook account, I had several more "friends", then I slowly started to remove people who only used their Facebook status for vulgar venting, people who I never talk to, or people I'm not sure I actually knew in the first place. There were a lot of those one time conversations, the "Hey! Remember me, we went to the same school!" Needless to say, I can't name all 1200 people that I went to high school with, let along the 400 I went to middle school with, or the 600 I went to elementary school with.

My favorite part of high school was getting our "yearbooks" signed at the end of every school year. Having never bought a yearbook, my home made autograph books progressed over the years. My grade 9 yearbook consisted of a single piece of foolscap (which up until me spell checking this I thought was "fullscap"), where as in the years to come they slowly became books with covers, eventually leading to me buying a sketchbook and using that.

I think I like Facebook because it's sort of like an ongoing yearbook. You can leave as many messages as you'd like, pictures and accomplishments are constantly changing, and there's the wonderful search box, a feature I think yearbooks still lack. I love hearing what people have to say, even if it isn't exactly directed to me. I like learning about people, their likes and dislikes, and relating to such things. I should have been a psychologist, or sociologist. Oh well.

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